Rabu, 14 September 2011

Internet Service Access Kept Me in Touch During My Son's Trip to Japan

The Internet has opened the world to us as parents. We moms, especially, can really worry about the safety of our children. This image: Your 16-year-old son was invited to join his church group on a humanitarian trip to Japan to help tsunami victims. Of course I want him to go. What a tremendous opportunity to experience the joy of giving and be a part of something bigger than themselves and their small sphere of consciousness.

On the other hand, it is still a child! The image is from the mother's point of view. If you're anything like me, you're thinking: Japan? Earthquakes? Tsunami? My child will be 6300 miles away from home? Yikes !!!

Thanks to its internet service in my area, I upgraded my internet connection so I could make a mature and responsible thing. I'm browsing the Internet, and then tested on Facebook and other sites for tsunami relief organizations and reading experience.

At this point, I think, maybe I should have locked him away in a nice safe bubble until he turns 32! Then I decided that he would be gone only a short period of time. With my new Skype account can have face-to-face conversation with my son on a daily basis. I'm on-line research and found the progress in Japan by those who gave their time, energy and services to foreigners in their time of need. All of this research encourages a bit of my Tsunami Relief - I found relief from their care after seeing how well organized and well managed in this humanitarian venture may be


Suddenly, I was just thrilled, but proud that my son was going to be a part of all this.

Then I took it to the next level. From the minute we dropped him off at the airport, we began tracking our son's progress through the flight Tracker. If you use this wonderful service, I highly recommend it! As soon as we got home from the airport, I booted up the computer and went to a flight tracker, where we could actually follow the progress of our son all the way to Japan. I wore it one step further, we began to publish their current state of flying on Facebook every half hour or so, eg,: 11:12: Flight 11 - Wheels up; 11:59: Currently in northwest Iowa, etc. My husband is a screen shot of the flight's progress every half hour, so that we can have a memento while we were living vicariously through our son. This is the next best thing to be sitting right there on the plane with him!

What a great thing it can be. It is collected all over the world to handle! You do not have to worry about how my son is faring in a distant and foreign land. He was on top of my fingers. I highly recommend you take advantage of many opportunities available to you online to extend their parental hand on the areas that would normally be beyond your reach.

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